Why are airplanes wary of windshear?

Why are airplanes wary of windshear?

Airplanes can get uncontrollable during windshear.

How do you prevent an aircraft reaching Mcrit?

How do you prevent an aircraft reaching Mcrit?

Decreasing speed, by reducing engine power or pitching up.

What does the abbreviation PAPI mean?

What does the abbreviation PAPI mean?

Precision Approach Path Indicator

How does an IRS work?

How does an IRS work?

An IRS is an Inertial Reference System  which consists of accelerometers, gyroscopes (laser) and a position computer.

The computer calculates the aircrafts position by direction and velocity sensed by the accelerometers from the initial latitude and longitude input.

An IRS enables the aircraft to fly great circle tracks and to navigate accurately across vast expanses where no ground based navigation aids are available.

You need to uplift four tonnes of fuel, how many litres would you ask for if the SG is 0.8?

You need to uplift four tonnes of fuel, how many litres would you ask for if the SG is 0.8?

5000 litres

(4 tonnes / 0.8 = 5000 litters)

What errors would cause an altimeter to malfunction?

What errors would cause an altimeter to malfunction?

Altimeter errors:

Instrument error Pressure error Time-lag error Barometric error

How does a jet engine/gas turbine work?

How does a jet engine/gas turbine work?

Forward motion forces air into the intake which is a convergent duct where it is compressed (causing a temperature rise).

Fuel is added and combustion takes place increasing the volume. The expanding gasses accelerate to the atmosphere through the exhaust duct nozzle producing a propulsive jet.

What is a turbo fan?

What is a turbo fan?

A turbofan is a type of jet engine, similar to a turbojet.

It essentially consists of a ducted fan with a smaller diameter turbojet engine mounted behind it that powers the fan.

Part of the airstream from the ducted fan passes through the turbojet where it is burnt to power the fan, but the majority of the flow bypasses it, and produces most of the thrust. They are mainly used commercially because they are highly efficient and relatively quiet in operation.

On A high wing anhedral airplane, like a BAE146, and a high wing straight winged aircraft like a Fokker 50, why they don’t have dihedral wings if it has so many advantages?

On A high wing anhedral airplane, like a BAE146, and a high wing straight winged aircraft like a Fokker 50, why they don’t have dihedral wings if it has so many advantages?

A high wing location like the BAE and the Fokker give a natural stable contribution.

This is because the Center of Gravity is underneath the wing, therefore when disturbed the C.G. provides a positive momentum opposite to the distortion.

What does a Mach trimmer do?

What does a Mach trimmer do?

A Mach trimmer automatically compensates for Mach tuck above Mcrit.

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